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CYAN, 邱仙 2910 is the day. AHS Wushu, 2009 聖公會軆育表演會(武术) MSN : cyan_1995@hotmail.com |
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This blog was opened by cyan to accomodate my mindless musings and daily rantings.Do enjoy your stay here, and don't take what's not yours! :D tagboard
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if you can live forever, what will you live for? bored now, no mood to post actually. 'cos jas didnt come for tuition. cannot hear any lame jokes. sad -.- okie i am like slacking now. suppose to do science worksheet and im here posting. short lame post. gtg >.< hellos people, finally got the time to post again. things are going smoothly in school, as per usual. today had a maths test. lucky i made an effort to study it lo. i wont want to fail anymore, want to pass with flying colours. spammers[you shouly know who you are] are not allowed, i dont know how many times do i have to say that. but SOME PEOPLE, dont seem to understand english, one more time i see spamming, im gona change url and only ppl who are invited can read, so there's no way you can spam, MUAHAHAHA. there's no way i will pity you. i wont let you spam 'cos you are my friend, senior or what so ever, so TAKE NOOTE. exams are round the corner, must chiong already. shall stop my post here. yuning told me to post this. :D-) Who was the person who tag you? YUNING ! -) What did you think of the person?(: she's LOVED 1) Do you eat a lot of fast food? 50% YES 50% NO 2) Have you kissed anyone in 2008? do i have to answer this question? 3) Were you happy when you woke today? I was sleepy 4) What did you last get upset about? hmm, idk? 5) Do you eat candy on daily basis? not really.. later teeth all drop ar. 6) What is your 5th message about? do i have to say this? 7) Who was the last person you ate with? My beloved family 8) Who was the first picture you took a picture of? forgot:) 9) When ordering sushi, what do you get? hmm let me think.. 10) Who was the last person you sat next to? what you mean ? in the mrt or in class or what? 11) What were you doing at 10am? waiting for 1st recess bell to ring 12) Have you changed a lot since summer? Summer? when? i dont know 13) What was the last beverage you spilled on yourself? mineral water, today. clumsy me, yeah? 14) Where is the place you want to be right now? anywhere? singapore? japan? perth? i cannot make up my mind sorry!! 15) What's your favourite at the moment? sleeping? playing? doodling? chatting? 16) What were you doing at 11 last night? flying aroundin my dreamland, dozing off while revising for elit 17) Who's near you? my phone :) 18) What were you doing at 5am this morning? sleeping -.-, like DUH!! 19) What's bothering you right now? things thats are making me out of control 20) Who was the last person you talk on the phone? rhesa i think.. .21) Whose house do you go to last? eh... cannot recall, oh gosh i have stm 22) Who honestly knows everything about you? do you think i know? i am too blur to know. 23) Who broken your heart? what do you think? anws hellos typo error isit? its not broken, is broke. 24) Honestly, do you love someone very much? me? myself? other than that i dont think so.. 25) Who was the last person to tell you they love you? erhmm, i forgot again, SHIT xP 26) Are your friends wth the last person you kiss? hellos? are you mad? do you need a doctor? i can find you one. 27) Are there any part of your body that hurt? my brain? cos i think too much and worry too much 28) In the supermarket, the first thing that gets your attention is? instant noodles!! i want the curry and hot and spicy one!! 29) How cool do you think you are? me? cool? you must be joking me yeah? 30) Drugs are? cool and not cool, but i wont want any. non for me:D 31) Which one do you hate most? your one is refering to what thing? specify please? you are making me confused. 32) Who was the first person who text you today? liying lo, she told me to eat breakfast with her ><>.< 33) What was the first thing you did this morning? press snooze on phone to stop the alarm from ringing 34) Who was the last missed call on your cell phone? i dont know cos i deleted everything in my call list 35) What's was the last mistake you made? eh nothing perhaps? seeing the wrong person.. 36) What are you listening to right now? one step at a time, nice nice isnt it? 37) Who was the last person of the opposite sex you had a conversation with? my one and only father ;) 38) Who was the last person who call you? how would i know? i dont have super memory right? 39) Is there anything you wany to say you someone special? is there something wrong with this quiz? the questions are weird, okok nvm. i love all my friends, yipee!! ~~~write down 10 person to do this quiz!!!~~~ 1) jasmine 2) jewel 3) rhesa 4) yuan li? if she seeees. 5) esabella? lets see if she sees this too 6) mei hui 7) jamie 8) fann 9) gina 10) sharlene this quiz is finally done for goodness sake.. the people on this list are loved.. MUAHahaha :) hellos people, my blog is so dead yeah? and this is only my second post! OH GOSH.. im lazy(: today school's about the same la, no difference. had elit test when school started. the quistions were quite ok, just that i exactly know who to do (b). was too lazy to read the story.. i thought only test abit but the last question is actually related to the ending part of the story. simply dont really care about elit la.. no choice if i fail actually. after that the lessons were as per normal.. bo-ring went to study in the table tennis room after school. but before that some of us went to 85 to buy food and bubble tea. rhesa forgot my share and i ended up sharing with shar(: nvm im not trying to blame anyone for foretting my share. studied from 3plus to about 5plus? i dont know. actually i have a feeling that we never studied, cos the whole room is full of noises most of the time. but really had a great time revising with my friends. tomorrow there's test, EOY exam!! havent finish my history task one... chionging now, so that got more time to study for exam before sleeping... i shall end here. toodles people. hellos people, my blog is back once again. gone suddenly 'cos i didnt know who deleted.. 070908 wenhui darling lightened up my day yesterday. we went to century square to catch a movie. the movie was at 12.20pm but we reached at 11 plus. didnt know what to do next, so we walked rounds and rounds in the shopping mall. we also went to TM la. by the time we walked finish, its already 12pm. wasted our time walking headlessly.. lawls the movie was quite nice actually, okok la... ammar acted as the young "Samad", which was the soccer team leader.. okok.. he act only a little bit, but since we had paid for it, just watch the whole show lo. the movie was about 1hour 35 mins plus. after that, we went to whitesands to take neo print. wasted our money on two machinese, which is like so dots, but really enjoyed ourselves. on the way back, we found out that one strip of neo prints gone, went to search, but still cannot find. no choice la.... sad ;( hope we can go out together more often, miss ya darling. went home and did history, so stupid, because of this homwork slept at 1am plus so sleepy la. do until sian already. 080908 school is still the same, devotion, school, cca then tuition. cca very tiring luh ok, we had to do taiji 24 and 42 style. so sleepy cannot concentrate... because of yesterday lo. we want to slack actually but can't. during tuition time, agnes mummy became damn hrny, dont know because of what... coconut, thats enough ok? so lawls la, she gave it so many description until i cannot stand lo.. horny horny heh? haha anws got to go, signing off here ;) |