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CYAN, 邱仙 2910 is the day. AHS Wushu, 2009 聖公會軆育表演會(武术) MSN : cyan_1995@hotmail.com |
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HELLOS PEEPS, came to blog. lets see what i've did for the past few days. 251008 this is the most memorable day ever, where all of us one jay peeps get together for a class chalet. i had ridiculous cl class before that. class was super boring. didnt know why, on that day, everyone suddenly so quiet. after that i rushed to buy claudia's bday present, then rushed to east coast park's island reszort. i thought i would be the last one to reach the chalet, but i was the first. saw rhesa, turkey and lia, and we went to macs together. we met 神掌,yue yao, you yu, bryan, yiliang, yan han and khoon seng. turkey daddy damn cute can. she was like "i want to eat macchicken meal, but that meal got burger anot?" bwahaha turkey's so CUTE!! lia, rhesa, turkey, yan han, khoon seng rent bikes and ride back to the chalet, while i walked back.sian la, at that moment not feeling well, not strength cycle. so wasted. changed into my class tee and afterwards. actually going to macs with xinyi and jewel, but went to the beach to play in the water. sorry for pangseh-ing you two :( really had fun there, was almost pushed into the water by dont know who, in the end, i jumped in myself, for fun TEEHEE we spent hours in the water i think, playing with the waves and stuff like the beach balls lent from other people. we stayed in the wated till about 5 plus. washed up then went to eat. but wasnt really hungry at that moment, and chu hui suggested that we go roller skating. skated with claudia lili and chu hui, i kept screaming and screaming, cos i was afraid that i will fall. really had lots of fun, but the back of my phone dropped out! hope that i can change my phone soon :( went back at 9plus to eat and help to clean the area. almost everyone went to the beach to chat, but in the end, we ended up playing murderer. had to leave at 10.30pm, its sad that i cannot stay over night, it was a tiring day, but i really enjoyed myself. cannot upload the pictures, will upload asap. now to all 1j-ians : thank you so much, for the fun and laughter. thank you for being such a wonderful class, that brings so much joy everytime. no matter what we all shared together, good or bad, they are all memorable to me. our friendship doesnt end here, thought we will be seperated next year, good luck to you all in whatever you all do, sayonara, all the best, friends forever, ily<33 from, cyan _______________________________________________________________ 251008 i spent my whole day at sentosa. fetched jialin and family to vivo, and then met eugenia, yuning and family there. before meeting eugenia and yuning, the adults had their coffeeee at toast box. then me and jialin went out to the outdoor pool to walk in it :D water was very cold. after they come, we sat the train to sentosa, we played go cart, explored nature park, played beach volleyball and others. the go cart was reall scary at first, but after the first round, we wanted another round. the second round, my helmet wasnt tight enough, and before i reach the end, my helmet almost flew out. ZOMG we went to siloso beach afterwards, it ROCKS okay, jialin and i bought beach volleyball and played. its damn fun seriously. the nature walk suck, got many mosquito bites, ew whats worse, there were spiders.. -.- the song of the sea, nothing to say about it, just that i watched before!! and i have to watch it again-.- WTH, nevermind, went back to vivo, actually rushed. was about to reach the shop to buy xuan bing's present, but she found me before i even can step into the shop. i didnt know what to buy for her, and she keep saying " anything also can " i know you anything also can, but the present's for you, not for me you know. you choose ma, not me. manage to buy her a handbag for her, pheww.. and you, xuan bing, you better watch what you say. dont suan me liao. i will "paiseh" one. but its nice to see her again :) went to the arcade and play, then sent yn home. thats all for the day. ___________________________________________________________________ today nothing much actually, stayed at home, nothing to do. super boing. i just notice that i'm so dark already, gona be malay soon if i go under the sun again. later going out, gtg sayonara!! hellos! people. just came back home yipee. damn high can. today tuition twinnie made me laugh my head off lo. SHE AND HER CRAP AGAIN. seriously i cannot stop laughing, also dont know what is my problem. and its not that you are too funny twinnie, its just that ..... grr never mind. and these are the CRAPS that she have invented : DISTURBIA = don't interrogate suckers that underestimates rich bimbos; intention excepted. PHOON = please hate octopus ovaries now [ sick ] GEYLANG = girls entertain you losers and naked gooese FANNY = f***ing a new nanny yeah [ horny/ sick ] okay seriously i dont know what's her problem lo, maybe cos she watch house bunny, which affected her mind and thinking. TWINNIE YOU NEED TO WASH YOUR MIND, TOO HORNY ALREADY. okay hope nothing bad happens to horney jasmine, and okay fine you are more knowledgeable can? happy? shall end my post here. WASH YOUR BRAIN AFTER LOOKING AT THIS. DONT BECOME TOO HORNY! you're like the song in my radio hellos people, back from studying, WHEEHEE MAN, EXAMS ARE FINALLY OVER!! LET'S SLACK!! finally back to blog, or my blog will be dead sooner or later. i think i'm gona flunk my science seriously, rest got hope la, can say that. oh yeah, today went to ehub with julia niecey, rhesa pangseh us, she never go in the end. we watched eagle eye, and it was a nice show indeed thought the starting part abit sian. but after all very like thrilling?! we two also had alot of fun in the arcade, haha the gogo ball damn funny la, we pretend it as someone we hate and started hitting it with the balls vigourously. :) one of them is a kingkong, i was LMAO-ING while trying to aim it. then at night i went to celebrate ah ma's bday!! happy bday ahma :DD okay and WELCOME BACK TO SPORE MAYSZE we ate at this restaurant, but the problem is that my cousins keep outting food into my plate, and i eat until i gona bao lo then we went to one of my cousin's house and cut the cake for ahma, there are some pictures where lynn pretend that it was her bday, but i didnt load them cos now damn lazy, but i will upload them next time and there will be mini olympics, but too bad i never join anything, cos i dont want/dont feel like/ cannot[maybe] okay but i'm looking forward to it. got to go now shall end my post here. tata!! thinking about it seriously makes me think that i'm a fool. i'm back to post again. yet this shall be my last post, 'cos i will be off to study, for the next dont know how many days. and happy belated bday to you jialin;D need to study now, bye people. :P for the spmmers, please get your butts off my blog. 'cos you dont seem to understand simple english like DONT SPAMM BY BLOG. people like you are not accepted. so SHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO as soon as possible. TAG AND NOT SPAMM, people. or get lost! |