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CYAN, 邱仙 2910 is the day. AHS Wushu, 2009 聖公會軆育表演會(武术) MSN : cyan_1995@hotmail.com |
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This blog was opened by cyan to accomodate my mindless musings and daily rantings.Do enjoy your stay here, and don't take what's not yours! :D tagboard
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have not been posting for quite sometime.. everything's fine, smooth, yeah. only just now, combed my hair after drying it. i placed it back, but i didnt see the shaver there, and SLASH, i cut my hand -.- now my pinky finger gone numb, and blood keep flowing non stop. what can i do? tissues dont help at all, wasted a few packet just on such a smally tiny finger -.- stop accusing me for sms while sleeping, what kinda nonsense is this? you mean i sleep and sms at the same time? OH, DREAM ON, i wont ever do such a thing yeah.. 'cos i dont sleep sms -.- giving up is the best choice, and i've made it! felt so happy, nothing's bothering me now. except for the blood, shall stop here, i dont wish to say too much about today.. JEWEL'S THE BEST!!!!! -.- jewel wanted me to write this here, ridiculous yeah.. she kinda bo liao, bully me just to have this up, (jkjk) anyway, today had wushu. practised for tyby. jiaolian said we never practised much. -.- wth, but nevermind, we did practise after all. tomorrow, heard that there's prize giving, also counted as graduation in parkview. I WANA GO BACK!! but tomorrow, i dont think i can. heard that there's like performance? i dont know. i just want to go back. haish, ending here, nothing to say liao. ): this is just a lame post, you can ignore it if you want... decided to do the quiz in julia's blog, though she never tag me 1. The person who tagged me is? JULIA 2. Relationship with them? my classmate, niece, future classmate.. LAWLS 3. Your 5 impressions of them? siao, laughs alot, very very nice, fun, kind ;D 4. The most memorable thing he/she had done for you? everything?! BWAHAHA 5. If they become your lover, you will? I WILL WHAT? she a girl yeah hello? 6. If he/she becomes your lover, he/she needs to improve on? erm, think carefully before you ask... 7. If he/she becomes your enemy, you will? NONONONO cannot 8. What is it you wanna tell them now? HELLOS, get well hor your knee.. dont let the chinese doctor touch it liao.. 9. Your overall impression of them now? NICE! 10. How do you find people around you will feel about you? err, i dont know.. i dont read minds.. 11. The characters of yourself that you love are? i dont know.. 12. The most ideal person you wanna be is? no one? nobody? aiyo i dont know la 13. For the people that cares and likes you, say something to them. HELLOS, thank you much much for your care... ily ahaha 14. Pass this quiz to 10 people you wish to know how they feel about. 1. rhesa 2. esabella 3. sandra 4. chuhui 5. jeanette 6. jewel 7. jasmine 8. yanjun 9. edbert 10. kenneth Who's number 6 having a relationship with? erm, no one? If number 7 and number 10 are together, will it be a good thing? hellos, they dont even know each other... What is number 2 studying about? nothing?! When is the last time you had chat with number 3? thats like so long ago, i forgot luh What kind of music does number 8 like? ? lawls i dont know Does number 1 have any siblings? yeah ;D Will you woo number 3? HELLOS, SHE'S A GIRL, HOW CAN I POSSIBLY WOO HER, I'M NOT A LES. How about number 7? YEAH RIGHT, she's already occupied... Is number 4 single? yeap.. What is the surname of number 5? KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE :P What is a hobby of number 10? emo-ing! haha jkjk Does number 5 and number 9 get along well? do they know each other? Where is number 2 studying at? AHS, like duh!! Where does number 9 lives? SOMEWHERE IN SINGAPORE.. or else where? What colour does number 4 likes? pink? What is number 10 doing now? dont know... i just change my skin again for fun, too bored until nothing to do. just found out that the time for each post all wrong one lo. somthing wrong here. i cannot possibly post at 6am what. still in lala land. today went to cycle, seriously some parts suck. i was like cycling like so smoothly, then suddenly this three girls poop out from no where, right in front of me. (should i say running towards me?).then 来不及brake, almost bang into her. in the end fell down. hmph thats never mind. plus somemore, that girl give me that kinda stare like as if i killed someone or something. CHOI that wont happen one lo, i dont kill people. then went out with family and my cousins to the dont know what marina barage.. okay seriously the place got poen field and stuff, but seeing the solar panels made me abit sian.. i dont know why too. thats real weird.[ ignore that, basically crapping] went to eat afterwards. something bad happened, dont wish to mention yeah. disgrace la, not really good to write here. went home after that. oh yeah, i'm going to 2J'09. dont know alot of people leh. hmm, i hope that 2J'09 is as nice as 1J'08. that would be nice. hmm hope to know more people. going to that class with lots of hope... stopping my post here. toodles!! yesterday 071108 almost the whole wushu went to the BREATHE sports carnival. its like compulsary, but some eventually pon. the carnival is like somewhere in city hall, okay, its quite okay for me, but i dont really felt like joining anything. not even captain's ball, its way too hot. aderling, liying, chuhui and i went to far east plaza to shop. everyone bought bubble tea, lawls. when it was like 6.30pm then we decided to go back to the carnival to meet up with our seniors. it eventually turned out that we had to eat dinner ourselves, as they all went home liao. okay, thats nevermind. then we walked around just to find a place to eat, and that took about 2HOURS. chuhui went for jiang half way.SAYONARA, while the rest of us continued walking. liying almost became a "baika" person. thats the reslut for walking for 2HOURS. hmm, perhaps we should call her miss BAIKA. ended up eating in paya lebar macs, and we really talked crap la. sad that chuhui was not with us. miss BAIKA really created lots of crap. including this : "aderline and ________ were making marshmallows in the woods, then hos suddenly heard some music. both turned around and found me doing morning taiji with _______. ( this is crappy ) then suddenly a ball fly pass, & we all see liying playing volleyball at the beach with _____." if chu hui's here, i wonder what will chuhui's one be... haha. lawls. later went home with liying. bid derline good bye. thats all. today. nothing much actually, as usual la. nothing special. cannot go training cos of jiang. last day, so must go. watched two movies "THE COFFIN" and the 007 show, forgot whats the name. shall stop here. toodles people!! QUIZ TIME 1) do u have secrets? MANY MANY, i think. 2) what is the thing that you desire now? to know my class!!! ^^ 3) if the person you secretly like is attached, what would u do? NOTHING. i dont know what to do lo. 4) is there anything that made you extremely happy? i dont think so ba. 5) what makes u angry? when someone does something wrong and doesnt want to admit. 6) how would you see yourself in 10 yrs time? er, by that time i will be 23. finding a job i think. 7) Who is currently the most important people to you? my FRIENDS and FAMILY 8) what is the most important thing in life? being happy all the time ;P 9) which is more important? family or career? FAMILY 10) what are your favourite colours? blue, pink, black, white, red... 11) would you give all in a relationship? what do you think? 12) if you fell in love with 2 people simultaneously, who would you pick? the one that likes me more? lawls 13) would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing that someone has done? yeah, of course. 14) what do you want to tell the someone you like? er, HELLOS. what else am i suppose to say? 15) 4people I've tag to do this quiz.. rhesa, jasmine, claudia, jewel boring day, nothing to do. actually decided to watch hot shot, but in the end i found out that cannot install or download whatever thing that is. changed my blog skin by the way. the intro part looked so empty. wonder what to put to make it not look so empty. tomorrow training, wonder what will jiao lian tell us to do. hmph, class allocation not out yet, will be out on a later date, but what date la? must specify you know... ..... i'm BOREED. so random, what to do? 1. celeste hey friend, thank you for being such a nice friend of mine all the while. i'm also glad that i'm in the same og group as you. ;P anyway, no matter what, JIAYOUS IN EVERYTHING, smartie. i'll never forget you ;P 2. youyu i dont really know what to say. thanks for being such a great member in pw, and hope that you will not get caught next time by DM cos of your hair. will never forget you ;P 3. feng jing hmm, i dont really know you very well. but i will remember your laughter, CHIRP, XD, will never forget you ;P JIAYOUS for next year's netball okay? 4. esabella HEY! thank you much much for being such a good friend who shares your thoughts and everything with me. thanks for helping me when i'm in need. i really enjoyed the life we had together with the rest of the b17, b18 and a17 members. will never forget you and your mascot sotong!! ;P JIAYOUS in everything you do okay? 5. yu cheng RAWR!! yucheng, thanks for being cute and rawring all the time. i will never forget your smiley face " :D " that you draw on my table too!! ;P 6. rhesa BUN ! thank you much much all the while [ helping me no matter what ]. recalling the fun times we had together, including hostle times, i really had load of fun. you are always funny, cheering people up, thanks for being such a wonderful friend. i will never forget you. JIAYOUS for c'division 09. hope to be in the same class as you next year. ;P GO #6, WOOTS <3 7. jeanette TURKEY!! thanks for being such a great friend. really enjoyed the times we had with 1j, and b18, b177, and a17. haha you are always the cute one, thank you for being so cute all the time. its really nice to know you. JIAYOUS next year!! including c'division 09!!<3 8. jesslyn thank you for the fun times we had in 1j and hostle. JIAYOUS next year !! i will never forget you. ;P 9. jewel dear dear, cannot be in the same class as you luh. too smart already. anyway dont be disappointed of your results . JIAYOUS NEXT YEAR OKAY? i will never forget you <3 10. jolene hellos 第一名的, continue staying smart!! sorry about the suaning in the science lab last time. i will never forget you. ;P 11. julia LIA!! PRO IN UNO. thank you much much for being such a good friend. i will always remember the times we spent together. thank you for everything, including sharing your secrets and stuff. you are always remembered [ including your laughter ] JIAYOUS for next year's netball, and everything, okay? <3 12. cyan thats me, what else? 13. claudia thank you so much for the bday present, and everything. history 1st in class, i will always remember that. JIAYOUS in everything. also thank you for supporting me when roller skating, and tolerating my screaming [ that almost caused you to fall ] on the day we had our 1j class chalet. i will never foeget you ;P 14. li li i dont know what to say, thanks for helping me that day when i roller skate. will never foeget you ;P 15. hilary hey! you are really funny, including the times when you said " I'M A NETBALLER! ", and the 神掌 thingy. JIAYOUS in everything you do and c'division 09 basketball. i will never forget you. 16. chu hui 小猪, thank you for being such a good friend, who shares your secrets and everything with me. though we might not be in the same class next year, we still can see each other in wushu. i will never foeget your scream, and the zilian-ing.haha will never forget you. <3 17. xin yi hellos, 小白, chocolate fan too!! tahnks for being a friend. haha will never forget you ;P 18. yuan li hey, why you so tall!! thank you much much for being a friend. JIAYOUS IN EVERYTHING YOU DO. i will never forget you. ;P 19. sharlene hellos, our wonderful class model. lets forget all the misunderstanding. hope you do well in everything. ;P 20. yue yao i'll remember you being the hottest in class. ahahah. i will never foeget you. ;P 21. rebekah its nice having you in the group for english and even elit. nice to meet you, the pro in acting. ;P 22. mei ting thank you for being such a wonderful vice chairperson. JIAYOUS in everything, will not forget you ;P 23. li ling hmm, nice to meet you, haha JIAYOUS in table tennis, thats all i can say i think, and thanks for being a friend ;P 24. bryan hellos, be good to YLL, and JIAYOUS in ncc... 25. wei jie chinese pro, hmm JIAYOUS in guitar 26. yu feng hmm, i dont know you well. good luck. 27. ming yao hello, pw friend, though sometime you are being ridiculous, but thanks for being cooperative in group work. good luck 28. brendan nice having a pw friend like you, being super lame and funny, making the group enthu. good luck 29. daniel lim pro in english, dont know what to say, anws nice to have you in 1j 30. yan han you are famous for being LOUD, haha its nice to know you anws. JIAYOUS in table tennis. 31. chee kiat i dont really know you. hmm just JIAYOUS in everything. 32. khoon seng you are wanted for lending people money!! ahaha jkjk. hmm, nice to know you. a big JIAYOUS for you and _____ ;P 33. sean nice to know you. hope you get into the team next year, JIAYOUS, must take good care of xinyi hor. 34. yi liang hey nice drawing skills, oh yeah, sick sometimes. you will get a chance no matter what. [ i hope you understand what i mean ]. JIAYOUS for you and ______ 35. zhi ping thanks for being such a responsible chairperson. and thanks for the chalet too!! JIAYOUS for next year. 36. chun zing dont really know what to say. hmm JIAYOUS in everything 37. guan ze you reminded me of the eagle, haha JIAYOUS in ncc 38. zi heng hey, JIAYOUS for next year's bball c'div 09. must win yeah! oh yeah, JIAYOUS in your studies. thats all i can say. 39. yu xuan COMMANDO! i'll remember your push ups yeah! JIAYOUS IN SCOUTS 40. daniel wong i'll remember you for being the tall one in class. dont bench next year yeah? JIAYOUS for next year's c'div 09, must win okay? mr goh thank you for being such a wonderful form teacher. thank you for being patient towards our class. and thanks for the class chalet food too. we really appreciate them. THANK YOU EVRY MUCH. that's all. thanks for being such a wonderful class, i really enjoyed the times when we gather as a class and have fun. thank you once again, JIAYOUS FOR NEXT YEAR. 1J ROCKS!! <3 |