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CYAN, 邱仙 2910 is the day. AHS Wushu, 2009 聖公會軆育表演會(武术) MSN : cyan_1995@hotmail.com |
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cheerios buddy!! i just noticed that i cheered someone up, but didnt manage myself properly. had wushu today from 10 plus to 3. xjl has been teaching us our "english abcs". he made it damn freaking ridiculous trying to use a bball to train us? LOL this is not bball man. this is wushu, taiji. he's method of trying to make our leg ache totally suck. like what edbert said, he's a f*** face xP had tyby after that. the warm-up/ ti tui part was cancelled in the end. poor grace came for nothing. i think we were quite okay for today's tyby practise. GOODIE. suddenly remembered that mr tong said me and chuhui only have 3more wiiks to practise tai tui to his standard. ZOMG, luckily we found a way to improve, other than doing those ways that were useless. suddenly felt kinda down, for no reasons. screwed-up manz. i dont know whats wrong with me. i hope its just a mini mood swing and it wont affect my mood tomorrow. and GO NETBALLERS for the next match. ((: rock on!! dont feel like saying anything else. shall listen to ji mo bao zhou now. byebye! (: there are some point of time in life where you dont get to achieve your goal. but since it has happened, let it past then. dont be too disheartened, as no matter what, as your friend for so many years, i believe that you can do it. accept the fact that you've tried your very best, & will work harder the next round. so JIAYOUS, dont be disheartened, and SMILE!! (: you can do it!! boring timetable. fridays were suppose to be the best days. but it turned out that it's not after all. for all the lessons, just simply cannot get anything into my head. was glad that the bell rang, & ate at burger king bus-ed homewith liying. the rest of the day was screwed up. tried to keep myself awake, but it doesnt seem to work out. BULLSHIT tomorrow there's training and tyby. WAH. this seriously sucks. i wish i had an excuse to skip everything. anyway, CONGRATS NETBALLERS!! seriously not in the mood. shall end here. letting go was really proud of myself today. the pain kinda subsided, and i feel alot better. PE was hiphiphurray!! no floorball manzz. played captian's ball for awhile. ewww xjl is teaching sec3s wushu. ZOMG. -phew- lucky im not sec3 yet. clarice fell off the chair while being the captain. LOL, a sotong appeared around me later. other lessons are boring, & i havent learn my ting xie manzzz. there's also a netball match, i wana go. too bad my piano lesson stopped me from going. GOOD LUCK NETBALLERS!! thank goodness, was not in the mood to train. zhou yang changed the tyby thing again. SUAN LE. afterall we have quite a long time to rest. i think i have to control myself from now on, have been crapping non stop. can someone please teach me how? nothing to crap round here. TOODLES!! GLOOMY... was fetch to school by liying parents(: reach school just in time. LOL chu hui's dressing. was crapping with julia, clarice and ying yi, therefore assembly ended quite fast. skipped cutting and went for rehearsal. NERVOUSNESS. performance was okay but jacinth dropped her dao. :O its the weapons that xjl bought, so not our problem. dj went to pick the handle when the curtain is not yet closed. ZOMG. but anyway, great job!! at least we are done with this cny thing. waited for 40 mins after school just cos of the tyby thing, everyone zao afterwards, too impatient to wait.. went to library with liying and joan afterwards... then bus-ed home. have nothing else to say. bbye p.s. there's nothing that can change this fact, so just accept it, sucker. confusion HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR EVE!!! cny is in a few hours time and im highing all the way. shall enjoy the food food and more food, & im sure im gona be fat by the end of tomorrow. got my new clothes man!! LOL random. anws went for dinner with my relatives today(reunion). felt crappy afterwards. "KAPIONG" & there it goes, my noseee... aww pain. accidents do happen and you blame us? NEVERMIND this doesnt make me feel that bad. hope that tomorrow's day will make me feel alot better, though i think im like kinda pissed like for quite a few days. my cousin's will mak eme feel better with their lameness.. GAWD. school totally sucked to the core today. PE turned out to be a disaster. __ whatever happened right then. now it seems that everything i do, i have to endure the pain. CRAP. this really destroyed my mood for the rest of the lessons. GRR. after school had both training and rehearsal T.T the stage so small then i almost hit the people at the back stage. :X training dragged until around 5 plus 6? then went mrt and bus-ed home with liying. actually felt alot better but there's this lady which kinda spoilt both our moods. shall say what happened. bus travelled and suddenly came to a jerk. both me and liying lost baalance, kinda like moved towards our right. me & liying : BWAHAHHAHAH aunty : suddenly, the bus was super quiet. me & liying : {stared at the lady} aunty : {stared back with her big "beady" eyes} walao she seriously knows how to destroy our moood man. esp when liying just saw SOMEONE, and was planning to high after alighting the bus. i just seriously dont understand what's wrong with not able to balance and also laughing. HMPH nevermind. hope tomorrow will be a better day. haish. not in the mood now. shall end here. there's seriously no reason for quarreling just to get your rights. felt super clumsy. i banged the door on my feet ytd night. HURTS MAN, suck lo. nevermind. today school was really slack (((: went to the comp lab for art and sel. we didnt do anything for art as we surfed the net more than drawing, relief teacher didnt notice/ didnt care. chinese was next, followed by science and sel. hahaha. did the class notice board deco, LOL. i bet we wont even get anything for this competition xP . sel was LOL. had cny rehearsal after that which ends around 5plus. tomorrow the training is cancelled just cos of this rehearsal again. PLUS, p.e.!! i just hope that nothing bad happens during p.e. tomorrow. shall stop here. __ fuck up hey, boring day as usual. didnt post for quite a long time. and as usual nothing much. just jiang and studying. watched red cliff two after jiang. NICE NICE. then went to the library to do home econs with julia, lydia and another guy also there. bus-ed home. AND CRAP, tomorrow have homeecons and history. i never do finish my homework.. hack still, WHATEVER. ignore this post if you want to x seriously suck to the core. today everything went fine. science was like a rush la. we'll have science test next tuesday la. CRAP, why cant they change the date? had cny rehearsal afterwards. the stage is like totally too tiny winy for our weapons. and we have to change abit tomorrow :\ nothing else to say :X i know i very hao re la can, but we shall see if your instinct is correct or not. we shall see that in the future. LOL. i believe that there will be no such thing la. its just shocking that you think this way. hmph. i dont care, today had tyby, and for our cca, only 9 pathetic people turned up. non of the taiji people turned up. LOL ridiculous la can. & its like what the hell, cos already 9 people considered very little la, 2people left before and after the performance ended. thats really sucky. i think even if we wushu try our very hardest, we still have difficulties with taiji and the music la. taiji its not like everyone do at the same timing. haish. OHOHOH and the next rehearsal everyone must be present la, i dont think it will be like 100%, i mean HOW? -.- never mind the rest of the day is damn freaking boring.. LOL. nothing else, shall end here xO school was fine for yesterday, and had training at 3pm, SHIOK. we watched a video kinda thing, boring stuff. the no. of guy juniors is like twice of the sec two group?! while there are only three girls.(sec ones i mean) and CRAP, I HATE IT.. : (its nothing related to the juniors, or anyone) cca ended and then went home. today luckily the english speech was postponed. but we still have to present tomorrow. the rest was fine, just that i was kinda tired. finally, we had our class committee, and gladly im not inside?! afterwards, mrted and bused home. the rest of the day was boring.. hmm nothing much actually for yesterday and today. i think i better end here, before i.. i.. AIYA NEVERMIND, SUAN4 LE. maybe this class isnt that bad... today school's alot better than friday. HAHA. and crap, i have to do the english presentation on wed ): im like totally not prepared, and i dont even understand the story that i have read. anyway, i will find a way to cope yeah. OH OH OH there's training tomorrow, today was only a meeting for today, just that i missed it 'cos of home econs. i heard that we had quite alot of juniors? maybe im wrong.. WHO CARES. at least there are people who wants to join wushu.. our history teacher's damn nice man(: friendly, like what she said in her intro. whereas for malay, i forgot abit of my malay pledge : && there's spot check tomorrow, both attire and hair check.. HMPH. OOOO, AND AND, HAPPY ADVANCED BDAY ADDY AND JEANETTE(: i really hope that they see this. shall end here(: |