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CYAN, 邱仙 2910 is the day. AHS Wushu, 2009 聖公會軆育表演會(武术) MSN : cyan_1995@hotmail.com |
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This blog was opened by cyan to accomodate my mindless musings and daily rantings.Do enjoy your stay here, and don't take what's not yours! :D tagboard
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School was alright today, Jewel's dad car-ed me to whitesands. THANK YOU. Didnt go for training, had my right shoulder injured. Fuck, I seriously dont feel well. Just wish i can dont go to school tomorrow. Tomorrow there's netball cdiv match, JIAYOUS NETBALLERS!!! seriously feeling useless and weak, nothing seems to make me feel better. why cant i just step out of everything? _1_ 1)the person who tagged you is? CLARICE - OBASAN 2)Your relationship with him/her? classmate/friend 3)your 5 impression of him/her? RETARDED, crazy [over ___ ] , retarded, retarded, retarded 4)the most memorable thing he/she has done to you?c annot remember :0 5)the most memorable thing he/she had said to you? you're my crapping teacher!! MUAHAHAHA 6)if he/she becomes your lover, you will? EWW, NO THANK YOU, BLEAHS, she already have someone in mind. 7)if he/she becomes your lover,the thing he/she will have to improve on will be? i just said cannot be already what. =.= 8)if he/she becomes your enemy, you will? OPPSY, kp her like mad? jkjk!! 9)(Repeat question)? ... 10)what is the thing you want to tell him/her now? RETARDED OBASAN!! 11)your overall impression of her? RETARDED. 12)how do you think people around you will feel about you? dont know?! 13)the characters you love about youself are? i dont know too!! 14)on the contary, the characters you hate about yourself? BEING RIDICULOUS. :@ 15)the most ideal person you want to be is? still ME! :D 16)for the people who care and likes you, say something to them. HI!! ILY :P 17)pass this quiz to 10 people that you wish to know how they feel about you. 1) chu hui 2) julia 3) aderline 4) jia lin 5) yu ning 6) rhesa 7) jeanette 8) wei lin 9) yan jun 10) edbert 18)Who is no.6 having a relationship with? (rhesa) j***** ?! i dont know 19)is no.9 male or female? (yan jun) MALE of course 20)if no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing? (jeanette & edbert) NO. cannot le, their heart are occupied liao, AM I CORRECT? 21)What is no.2 studying about now? (julia) growing taller/ ____ ??? BLEAHS JKJK 22)When was the last time you had a chat with no.3? (aderline) today!! o.o 23)what kind of music band does no.8 like? (wei lin) i dont know 24)does no.1 have any siblings? (chu hui) uhuh 25)will you woo no.3? (aderline) HAHA no thank you ^^ 26)how about no.7? (jeanette) NO CANNOT !!! 27)is no.4 single? (jia lin) uhuh :D 28)whats the surname of no.5? (yu ning) koh 29)whats the hobby of no. 10? (edbert) zi lian-ing?? jkjk 30)where is no.2 studying at? (julia) AHS, DUH 31)talk something about no.1. (chu hui) cute, crazy 32)have you tried developing feelings for no.8? (wei lin) eh, no. 33)where does no.9 live? (yan jun) SINGAPORE!! 34)what colour does no.4 likes? (jia lin) OPPS i dont know :P 35)are no. 1 and 5 best friends? (chu hui & yu ning) they dont even know each other. 36)does no.1 have any pets? (chu hui) nope 37)is no.7 the sexiest person in the world? (jeanette) maybe, maybe not, BUT HER EARS ARE!! 38)what is no.10 doing now? (edbert) staring at the mirror?? i dont know. 你的微笑像火柴 划过我心脏动脉 Lessons as per normal today, so slack. Teacher didnt come for Malay. 0.0 FREE PERIOD. :D Home econs was =.= The chart thingy made me confused. Whats more, the no.s are so tiny winy. Nevermind. Stayed back after school till three to study in class, then went home with chuhui. OH stretching was skipped 'cos of the rain. Tomorrow's common test i hope i will do well?! Oh wells, just wish that my hard work will pay off. & training, i think it will be tough. My arms are aching, wonder if it will be better by tomorrow. I dont care, shall train like hell ya. I just wish to win. Hmm, Tired :\ , think i should end here. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE FOR YOUR COMMON TEST TOMORROW (: 我知道两颗心不一定同在 210209 Yesterday's training was tough. Abigail and her other friends came to train too. She pro, i still cannot imagine competing with her. WOW die. May trained us at the very end of training. Then went to MEC. and then home. 220209(today) Woke up early, and went for Jiang. Just returned home. Chinese test this Tues. :O Gona go and study, then later Stretching!!! short post, shall end here, will post later on. Hey there, Time really flies, march hols coming soon. School was alright today. Had stretching afterwards and then headed home. What a boring day. & It really pissed both of us off [dont ask who]. Mood destroyed again. Still feeling hopeless? OH whatever. Tomorrow, extra training again. Feel like staying at home. Seriously not looking forward to it. Dead now, so ya, TOODLES!!! BYE!!! HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY PEEPOS!! Had tyby today. Stayed in school for quite a long time. Im glad to say that i had wasted my v.day in school. but ITS OKAY(: its still good to be with friends. HAPPY HAPPY. I got a FERRERO ROCHER from meris after stepping into the tower hall. THANK YOU FOR THE CHOC. We self trained from 9-10am & then tyby from 10-2plus. Also got a choc, a lollipop and a note from dear rhesa. THANK YOU TOO. Tyby was a success. But in between that, like some things happened. kenneth (mini) phone was spoiled due to edbert's spillage, his clothes, towel and bag kena sugarcane. After the sugarcane spill, someone's tea (with milk) spilt. :O disastrous, kenneth (mini) cried twice due to this. Went for MEC, dinner with parents, then car-ed home. Tomorrow going to clarice's (obasan) house to do the music thingy with julia and ying yi. & most importantly there's a science test on tuesday. Im SO gona fail, congratulations. 'cos i dont really understand what mr ong's saying. CRAP : \ p.s. Thanks again meris and rhesa (: shuddupp HAPPY BDAY SAM!! (: today lessons was fine. went to school early as was planning to chiong history, but apparently wasted the time on chatting. History. Malay. Maths. English. Recess. Homeecons. Maths was boring as usual. & tomorrow, argh CT!! Nevermind. English, went to write the word on the board, i only write the first fwe letters, everyone jiu4 da4 jing1 xiao3 guai4.nevermind, and neo says that my word OBJURGATE, is not okay, BLEAHS. now i have to find another one. Anyway, i have nothing to say, as i just anyhow pick the word of the day from the online dictionary. worksheets were assigned to do on the spot for homeecons. BLEAHS. mindmaps SUCK. LOL. i quickly chiong as i dont wish to stay back after that. Met chuhui then went to stadium to find mr tong, which then time us to do our stretching. HA many people thought we forgot the cca date. after that, took mrt to pasir ris with meris and chuhui. ated and then bus-ed home. now my legs are kinda aching !? & cant wait for tomorrrow to end. shall stop here. BYEBYE.
it will make me a thousand times happier if you dont exist. everything felt right no matter where i go, but tourture comes whenever i stepped in. lessons were alright yesterday. but after school TRAINING. went to 85 straight after the bell ring with liying & meris. it rained after that, & rushed back to school. my leg was numb when it comes to training, & obviously i cannot do tai tui. went to get somethings before bus-ing home. i need to stay away from everything for now, all thanks to SOME PEOPLE. say NO to everything. obviously i didnt pon school. the pain was killing me, and my legs and hands were numb for now. & i know that lessons were boring today, esp chinese [compo]. nevermind, i still have to go to school tomorrow. ARGH!! What kinda life am I facing? It makes me feel like a failure I have already had enough of all this kinda nonsense Maybe I’ll get a chance to stop all this someday Maybe not. After all I still get the same result no matter what I do, that’s square one. I wana escape from all this, And though all this are not really important, it really affects me a lot. But they wont understand. I get scolded, blamed when I tried to explain. So whats the point? I don’t get my justice no matter how hard I try. All these seriously made me break my record of crying. whats happening to me? Can everything change once and for all? |