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CYAN, 邱仙 2910 is the day. AHS Wushu, 2009 聖公會軆育表演會(武术) MSN : cyan_1995@hotmail.com |
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This blog was opened by cyan to accomodate my mindless musings and daily rantings.Do enjoy your stay here, and don't take what's not yours! :D tagboard
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confessions of a shopaholic. :) im tired of all this. open your eyes. trust is a uber big word, & whether you manage it or not is the matter. saying things that you only heard of, & not sure of is a different thing. But dont assume. my days = screwed.. im trying to fix it, it didnt seem to work. so, what now? 280309, sat. TADA!! end of tyby :) it was the last day of tyby, && i think that all did well for it. HIP HIP HURRAY!! tyby was a total success! Woots! im starting to miss tyby i think :P I got a party popper at the end of everything. :D its was real sad that wushu didnt take a group photo at the tyby board, to commemerate tyby'09. its alright, we can always take pictures together as a cca, durinf the overseas trip also can xD btw, liying's mother took a picture with liying, chuhui, me and ader with our weapons. shall get from her soon. after tyby, went to tower hall to kop some food, then off to pizza hut. felt damn giddy after tyby, & when reached pizza hut, i seriously cannot tahan already. photo with chuhui and liying before going home early. will post the pictures when i get all of them. -the end- 290309, sun nothing much actually, went for jiang, then car-ed home. 300309, mon, today school, boring as per normal. had practical today. LOL our smiley face looks more like a monkey face with the spamming sesame seeds :O watched the cdiv bball match after school. 97-09 LOL. watched movie with chuhui and julia after that. btw, saw a news on ahs tyby'09 on sat, HAHA xinlong and yu hao on papers!! i really wish that im allowed to ______________ :\ WHATEVER UH. :S Like the lyrics of a sad song Today the school celebrated the school's 53 founder's day. LOL though its a friday, it feels so saturday, cos of tyby. Woke up pretty early & met chuhui and liying at macs, chuhui's LATE!! Nevermind, then walked to mrt-ed and walked to school. When we were about to reach the school gate, suddenly the bell rang, & we just chionged in and find our classes. Walkathon was ==, we were suppose to travel in our cca groups. Suddenly the sec4s suddenly proclaimed that they are wushu's performing arts, and went the the performing arts section. As sports group had to walk 1km longer, i was actually deciding to go for the shorter walk, but nevermind ;D. Aderline was surely blur enough, i told her, that we were suppose to catch up with the seniors and started running. When i turned around, ader = missing :O She didnt heard me, no wonder. HAHA. At 10 30, went to tyby with chuhui liying meris and ader. during the rehearsal, baichuan saw a cockroach. bc : WAHH -pointing at it, shocked.- edbert too. all of us kinda like jumped up, if im not wrong. shermaine walked out steadily, like a hero and PIAK! she stepped on in, and it broke into half?! announced dead. jian an jiao lian took its feelers and threw it at the grass. when we asked her if her shoes have any cockroach blood stain, there was non. & she also added that we are wushu people but scared of cockroack, then ROAR, me and chuhui just laughed like hell. BLEAHS. Everything went quite smoothly other than aderline and jacinth doing the wrong steps and me not standing firmly. There were seriously many audience watching us, flooded with BLUE people xD. we each got a lollipop from luo lao shi and then went off. Went out with chuhui, li ying, ader, joan, bryan, rui ming, yue ren and andrew for dinner afterwards. Dinner-ed at Banquet at whitesands. All of us orderer roti prata except for joan who ordered ___ ( whats that called? ). We pulled the tables and combined them as there was not enough seats. SQUEEZE!! andrew left early as he had tuition while the rest of us continued chatting. It feels like a wushu outing, as we were very bonded. I seriously laugh real hard at rui ming butt joke, omg LMAO i bet everyone laughed real hard YA? before the rest left whitesands, i walked round with ader. Bought a long rubber band while she bought a comic.. I think its called vampire knights... RIGHT? Bus-ed home afterwards. i dont know why i have a feeling that i will miss tyby, cos like we have been practising it for ages. o.o wish i can perform well tomorrow. :O HAHAHA i shall just get a life while you shall just get lost somehow you're just gna screw everything up, as you have already pushed me to my limit. && sooner or later you'll just be whining for the rest of 09. cos i will give you hell. just _|_ off, i seriously had enough of you. attitude what attitude uh. BIG DEAL, just fuck off and SCREW YOUUUUUUUUU. i think i will so enjoy life in 09 with a person like you around. as calculated, you have wasted our months, && thank you so much for EVERYTHING ==. fucking hell. i have so much work not done, history chinese. BAHHHHH whatever luh. i wish i can screw hell out of you. I havent been posting for quite sometime, so here Im again :D . Its the first day of term two & Im still in the one week hols mood... Oh well?! Practically spent the whole day laughing & laughing, laughter day ==. Watched a video on some kinda atomic bombing thing for history, I kina pity those people those days. Malay, BWAHAHAHAHAHA this new malay teacher came in. LOL I better not say how I felt about her ><. Crapped and laughed with julia :P . Other lessons was like sian-ed. Home econs I just think I screwed up the onion part, sorry celin!! But the food was nice afterall, thanks to celin :) . Watched the cdiv bball match after school. The difference between the marks is like wow. Bus-ed & mrt-ed home. I just noticed that I have loads of homework that I didnt do.. :\ & training tomorrow, 11 more days!!! BOOHOO, Im so not ready for it, but so? I cannot change anything le, no choice, shall chiong ah!! OH and HAPPY BDAY AMADEUS! Im sick -sniff- , so i shall just post a short one. currently dazing around.These days at home's real boring, eat sleep eat sleep, the cycle just keep going on. My horrnedous marks which appeared on my result slip motivated me to study harded. Im gona spend most of my time at home (mugging) during the march hols, other than the days where i have cca. Oh gawd, i just wish i heal faster, this feels awful.. I cannot even smell what im eating, everything;s tasteless.. EEE. && ? so many things happened for these two days. had maths test today, its quite okay to me,but i forgot to put N.A. !! :o I feel like i jerk, perhaps i dont deserve to be where im now. By the time i get back everything, GG man. && now i have everything screwed up ARGH. Im just sick and tired of everything for now. I just wish that i just work harder the very last time & i wont be in this state now.. Seriously regreted everything. I think im just making a big fuse out of everything. HAISH:(((( && whats more, for wushu, CH and i have to change from 42 to 24 taiji. I know its loads easier, but just b'cos not enough people competing in 4 2 thats why we have to switch? Nevermind, im still okay with that. But im just confused with both 42 and 24. but 24 is like there's no linkage? :\ thursday have to perform tyby infront of the sec 1/2 , wow. I think i better stop here. BYE! 我卷着身体缩成一个圈 像一个句点 LALALA, Heymath suck :X i didnt get full marks, but at least i got 11 :D . Today acc was damn shiok la can , slept for the whole 45 mins :) . & apparently teacher didnt care much la. History and pe was a bore. There's always loads of people playing captain's ball. o.o chat with julia and clarice for the free time during pe. recess, chinese maths and english. BOR-RINGG!! went to the stadium after school to support the BDiv match. Three cheers for both BDiv teams, DOUBLE CHAMPIONS :) WOOHOO CONGRATS! then had training till 7plus, tiring :O FRIDAY. and boring manxz, competition's in one month's time, must train HARDER HARDER, but now im slacking, uh whatever. TIRED, shall end here. Hellos, School was neutral today, everything was the same except for SEL All the sec 2s went to All Saints Church to watch a video on this guy]w/o any limbs. It kinda like gave me motivation in many things Then went to 85 with aderline and chuhui for food and snowshake!! ate in class then went for wushu. Wushu brightened my day with the seniors joking. The kicks ets also really helped alot, WHEEEEEEEEE!!! Disaster ): dont wish to say what happened. Everything seems to be out of control now. S-T-R-E-S-S-F-U-L. I think thats all for this post. UGH. ): |