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CYAN, 邱仙 2910 is the day. AHS Wushu, 2009 聖公會軆育表演會(武术) MSN : cyan_1995@hotmail.com |
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When we hold on together.. Yo peepooos (: decided to blog after so long cos havent been blogging for the past few days. anyway, lessons = zzzz. hist malay maths eng recess homeec. for english a new teacher came in?! and she was real soft.. make me feel like sleeping more. the rest, i dont have anything to say about. english and chinese paper 1 tomorrow. :O time really flies. and i dont feel like studying though exams are so near. BELL RINGS :D YAY school ends :) went to whitesands with chuhui and xinyi to celebrate chuhui's bday (belated). xinyi bought each of us a cake :d WHEEE thank you :B lunched at superdog/superhotdog? aiya, whatever == . neo prints after that then go home. -will post pictures next time- will not be posting for the next few days, will be mugging :l cos i dont wish to score badly. && feel like changing blogskin again :X nothing much. shall end here. Breakaway - Kelly Clarkson Grew up in a small town And when the rain would fall down I'd just stare out my window Dreaming of a could be And if I'd end up happy I would pray (I would pray) Trying hard to reach out But when I'd try to speak out Felt like no one could hear me Wanted to belong here But something felt so wrong here So I'd pray (I would pray) I could breakaway [Chorus:] I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly I'll do what it takes til' I touch the sky And I'll make a wish Take a chance Make a change And breakaway Out of the darkness and into the sun But I won't forget all the ones that I loved I'll take a risk Take a chance Make a change And breakaway Wanna feel the warm breeze Sleep under a palm tree Feel the rush of the ocean Get onboard a fast train travel on an airplane, far away (I will pray) And breakaway [Chorus] Buildings with a hundred floors Swinging with revolving doors Maybe I don't know where they'll take me but Gotta keep moving on, moving on Fly away, breakaway I'll spread my wings And I'll learn how to fly Though it's not easy to tell you goodbye I gotta take a risk Take a chance Make a change And breakaway Out of the darkness and into the sun But I won't forget the place I come from I gotta take a risk Take a chance Make a change And breakaway, breakaway, breakaway its a nightmare :\ thursday, 160409 nothing much about lessons. after school, everyone waited at the tower hall for mr tong. its our last day of "training" before the mid years and also the last day we will see our sec4 seniors at the tower hall. mr tong did some briefing bout some stuff but i forgot what he said. then had some kinda wushu talk, while waiting for the food to arrive. HAHA 10 BOXES OF PIZZA :P the sec2s were the 2nd to take the pizza. WHEEE I TOOK 3 and i think im growing fat soon :X to seniors, do come back to see us train again. we will really miss you guys though we dont really know you all much. && good luck in everything :d yesterday, 170409 lessons were damn boring i swear. GAWD. can't wait for everything to end. HAHA after school went to wheelock with lia, bird, rochelle, lydia and jocelyn for lydia's dental. the colour was damn cool okay, gree and white :) then went to bedok to get food :d donuts and sushi WHEEEEEEEE. the match was delayed and in the end it started at 4.30? == won. ahah. waited for ying yi and rhesa's training to end before walking with the netballers + them. dinner with julia && ying yi, Ljs :P YUM YUM. i feel kinda bad for making you guys not watch 17 again. :( will make up next time. ate then bused home. :\ i guess i seriously laughed alot man. wah.. jaws numb. comp-ed for awhile before sleeping. today, 180409 went for piano lesson then jiang. haha I SERIOUSLY SWEAR, 'CHER WAS DAMN DUMB. she was locked in room 8. cannot come out. HAH the guys went to "guan xin" her and found out she didnt really turn the door knob. == how stupid is that. somemore, her class was trapped inside the room for 20 mins ==". when she stepped into the class she was like sweating like some mad dog. okay fine. she should have turned the door knob in the first place, && how can she be locked inside?! == afterthat went for mec, dinner then home. weekends really suck. its like also BORING :\ ugh WHATEVER. RAWRRRRRRRRRRRR PEEPOOS, school never change for onced.. boring as usual >< . i got to pon like 2hours of school for today's tyby performance again. mr hoo changed the time, and we can leave half an hour earlier, which is 9.30 :DDD jealous? haha it was ridiculous 'cos after the performance, at 12 we have to retuen back to class. Good that today's tyby was a success :b took our time to change and eat and then went for homeecons with ying yi and clarice. && julia, we didnt pangseh you ya? after school, watched the cdiv match with julia and the rest. then went to meet FISH (; at the playground. i seriously feel that my life is kinda screwed up. and mid year exams are coming and im like still slacking. i hope training stops next week so that we can like study... i usually have the motivation to study harder for the mid year exam, but where has it gone to? hmm i better find it back and work harder for the mid years. to FISH (; thanks for accompanying me just now at the playground and listening to whatever i had to say. its really great to see you again. & after telling you whatever sorrows i have, i feel much better. thanks once again. <3333
anyway i need to go now, still have to read hist. will be sleep real soon. so.. BYE POOOPOOOS SUPPORT FOR ZHI YUAN ;D the best choice -hahaha-
RAWRRRR. maybe, things arent the same anymore. WHEEEEEEEEEE, my fx tabs are so chio. MULITI COLOUR :D (l) by the way, there's nothing to post about for these few days. Bubbling in progress, duper lazy to post :P time's really passing very fast, overseas trip with wushu in 48 days in exams in 30++ days? WOW and today's suppose to be a (Y) friday, but apparently mine's a (N), i wana go out. But there's like damn loads of homework.. BOOHOO :'( -english -history (and i dont know what else) it seems very little, but i have to do all the worksheets in the english file.. almost ALL not done :O oh yeah, we have to do tyby again. HAHA but this time only bball, badminton and wushu only. O.o it really is weird. oh no, why's the sky crying? :[ i need you sunshine! shall post soon if there's anything to post about. TOODLES ;DDDDDDDDDD P.S. IM A FINO, AND IM GONA EAT YOU UP!! MUAHAHAHAHAHA :P crying doesnt help at all. 030409 will always be remembered, being remembered cos of the feeling of being beaten really hurts too much. shall strive hard for next year's medal, to replace this year's. if i had beared with the feeling, if i had endured, if i had controlled myself, i would not have dont that badly. nevermind about the circumstances to get it, but determinations must be set. dont wish to feel so bad once again next year. to the rest.. we had strived hard enough, and wushu, you all had done your best. nevermind about the judges being biased or what, but just remember to work hard the next time, && we'll be able to win back our marks. kambateh !! 030409 didnt paying much attention for the whole day. i was too worried about the competiton after school. the shoes that was given in the morning was uncomfortable. im kinda not used to it. btw, left class during recess and met the wushu people at the g.o. then left for cchms. we didnt really have the chance to try the mat as the competitions started real fast. but i cannot blame that. i didnt understand why i was like shivering like no mother when i warmed up so much before the comepetition. if... if... if... :( i think this picture really equals to what i wana say to myself. ![]() :\ was really upset with myself. this is not my best, i could have done so much better. :'((((((((((((((((( haish, i really wonder whats wrong with me, totally. i wish that im like doraemon, use the time machine to turn the time back, then at least i can compete again. & perhaps i will do better than before. UGHHHHHHHH. after the competition went to simei to eat long john silver with chuhui, joan, andrew, bai chuan, bryan, rui ming. LOL felt alot better, but when returned home, :'((((((( ed. & didnt help much after all. i still feel so bad about the competition... msn-ed for a while before going to sleep. 040409,today my voice had a big transformation, TRANSFORMERS (diaoded). i sounded really like a male and i cannot even make my voice go higher/lover. CRAP. nevermind, afterwards went for jiang and mec, then DINNER at sakae :) was really full.. BLOATING. ahahha. car-ed home afterwards. I ALMOST FORGOT... HAPPY BDAY JEAN TAN :D really feeling tired and stuff. i still have so many things to do. shall msn and homework for awhile before i sleep.. tata :\ Cause I'm livin' in a dream school, everything's still the same, boring day i had. after school, actually decided to train straight away, but watched abit of the cdiv match with the wushu girls. training was quite okay, but coach was kinda __. its alright, shall bear for the moment. got my costume, HOT PINK!! the sleeve damn hard to button xD. time pas so fast, and TOMORROW :o really damn worried about it, scary :\ but YAY i can leave class early early :D nothing much, random post. shall just end here. |