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CYAN, 邱仙 2910 is the day. AHS Wushu, 2009 聖公會軆育表演會(武术) MSN : cyan_1995@hotmail.com |
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BOOOOOOOOOOOO got back all my papers finally. screw them all. dont wish to talk about them. i think i have to chiong for eoy already, must pull up my socks high high!! :P anyway, these few days lessons was boring, watch movie, went through papers and sleep. yesterday : pe was quite fun, captain's ball again (: photo taking too. training was okay. the guys played bball for awhile before coach came and started ti tui. i knocked my leg. got one blue black at my ankle ;P car-ed home after that. today : zao chao in the morning. kenneth speak to fast, even he shen thinks that he's too excited. presentation for science was ==!. then watched some crappy videos. im not stupid 2 for chinese lesson and there's a worksheet to be done after that. recess then english. mrs neo didnt appear = free period. talked till 12 30 and went for assembly for some prize thing for teachers. after school, 20 rounds of stairs before going home. tiring, everyone sweat like some mad dog. went to whitesands kfc with chuhui, zhi yuan, andrew, bai chuan and ruiming. 358-ed home.. tired now. bye. P.S. 一起讓世界更美好 WHEEEEEEEEHOOOOOOOOOOO Bye Bye MYEs (: the past few days really suck. had to revise and memorise like mad. i just feel like skipping school. bye luckily, ITS OVER (((: thanks to those people who wished me good luck. YAY three cheers to you guys (: haha. now FREEDOM is back wheeee. at least i dont have to pretend that i didnt see any thing when i paasssed by the comp. many things happened for the past few days. LAZYYYYYYYYY i dont wana type them all out. becoming a piggy soon -oink oink-. life's just eat sleep tv comp haha repeating cycle. oh and BON VOYAGE JEAN (: && went to eat seafood yesterday, yum yum (Y) !! && that catfish was really scary. shall stop here YAY (:
:\ 我紧闭上了眼睛 祈祷你微笑点头 Havent been blogging for quite some time. busy with school work and stuff. anyway. paper 1s are over and so is today's history short quiz chapter 5 and 6. i did my best and hope that i will score well? time really flies and in a few days time its mye. 20plus more days to the overseas trip but maybe it might be postponed :\ i think i have to mugg already, but it might be abit too late. seriously didnt have the mood to study but still have to, im a good girl. & so im gna mug. lazy to post bout what happened these few days. quite some things are pretty screwed && mixed feelings now. i think it might be better if i stop posting for the moment so that i can concentrate in studying. good luck people for the coming mye. :B