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CYAN, 邱仙 2910 is the day. AHS Wushu, 2009 聖公會軆育表演會(武术) MSN : cyan_1995@hotmail.com |
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This blog was opened by cyan to accomodate my mindless musings and daily rantings.Do enjoy your stay here, and don't take what's not yours! :D tagboard
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天灰了,快乐总有限期 didnt blog for quite a moment. & ps i didnt put the pictures yet, no time. all cos of freaking elearning. elearning = ekilling :X still have loads of homework which are to be done. shall not talk about that anymore. it seriously destroy my happy mood. shall talk about some events that happened for the past few days. 250609, Thursday. (class outing !) my expectations for this class chalet was hoping that the class bonds. but it turns out to be kinda screwed, at least its not that bad still. met julia at atound 1030 at pasir ris mrt. then bused to elizabeth's house to get netball & towel. thanks for the towel by the way (: then bused to tanah merah to meet the 2j peeps. waited for quite a long period of time before going to cartel at siglap. YUMMY FOOD. sat with julia, ying yi and sam (: haha.we reached later than reservation time, but still managed to eat quite fast. then went to ECP. we station masters were suppose to go there early. had discussion at macs. went to bk to find the others. the game was cancelled in the end ==!! screwed. went to the beach to play captains ball with julia, ying yi, sam and some other guys. we played for quite awhile, when we notice everyone appearing again. so we rest for awhile before playing a class captains ball. HAHA after that, everyone disappeared again ==!! went to find the some of the guys, talked before going to PP for dinner. i dont wish to talk about what happened after that. :\ 280609, Sunday. (outing(:) meet shannon at my block at 10. we bused to ehub earlier to check the price of kbox. but apparently not opened yet. went to arcade and played the throwing ball game. wen hui came, we three went to wait for kbox to open. LALALALA , singing time (: actually we intended to sing from 11 to 2. a lady came in saying that there was some kinda promotion where we get to take a picture and also get 1h more. accepted. so sang until 3. wenhui's really damn zi high, jumping around HAHA. COLDDDDD -shiverrrr- BRR. the jacket that we brought was useless. didnt manage to sing finish all the songs though we started skipping alot of songs when there was only 15 mins left. took neo prints after that, then bused to wen hui's block. she made some stitch things for us (how nice ^^). wanted to leave but it rained. talked for a while before deciding to run under the rain, so that shannon can finish her homework. HAHA elearned ate then slept at 1. Today. woke up at 8.45 when im suppose to wake up at 8. went to school with chuhui at 9.30? met the yingyi and gang before going into avt. there was sort of a ayg talk today. we got pen, pouch, hat, pass, and 2tees for tomorrow ayg. everything ended at 11plus? not sure. went to whitesands to eat sakae buffet with chuhui. she "forced" me to brainstorm for her her tuition homework. but in the end she didnt go cos she had "stomach ache". walked around before going home. slacking now, i dont wana do elearning. :P shall play & msn for awhile before sleeping. TATA(((: PS. my idol is rhesa ho YA RIGHT><
Back at last (: worned out, after the trip to malaysia. this post will be edited, pictures will also be posted, maybe tomorrow? Labels: malaysia trip when the wind carries it away and turns into a star
that you were always like the sunshine to me sorry for not blogging. lazy to recall what happened for the past few day, actually there's nothing much to recall. nothing special. shall post about today. today's a happy day i think. today's warm ups are quite okay, as per normal. we did abit of gym today, all kinds of exercises. it feels great to do gym with wushu friends. learnt new movements too for wushu. quite complicating though. gym exercises were find but i think i sprained my wrist even before i start doing gym, now its aching. Get well liying!! hope you're feeling better now (: oh and jiayous for those who are catching up in the tao ru (: hoping that time will past a little faster, as im going overseas next week. seriously need a break from many things. hmm there's still hols homework. shall start on them maybe tomorrow? shall end here i think. sayonara ^^
in the blink of an eye.... HEYYA (: im finally back to revive my blog. these few weeks are really packed. it doesnt seem like june hols at all. training piano and other stuff, i wonder when i will get my old june hols back. anyway, we had some briefing today for AYG. was late for it, damn ps :P i almost fell asleep. we had a tea break & also lunch break. the food was great (: didnt expect the thing to end that early, around 1plus? went to watch Hannah Montana with chuhui julia and ying yi. STOP SCREAMING hahahhaha :P you should know who im talking about. xD LOVE IT (: the songs are really nice ya. gona download them ^^ went home after the show. tomorrow gona do science project. :\ i still dont feel like doing homework.. though i think i started abit of homework.. shall stop here. ;) PS KimHyunJoong better la (((: